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Social responsibility

We are aware that every our image, advertisment company or statement can affect the society. We stand for equality for all races, skin colors and ethnicities. A persons physycal and mental health are our priority points.

Body posotivity

Your body is beautiful, whatever the size, skin color or age you are.

It’s important to remember that we are created to be tha way we are. Remember when you was a child and nothing disturbed you from enjoying running and playing with friends. Remember discovering parents' closet and finding the perfect dress. And today we schould be children in soul and forget about all the standarts that industry dictated us for ages. At Trybody we dont have sizes for our digital pieces. Our sewn garments may be done in your custom parametrs you give us while ordering.


He, she and it.
We produce gender-neutral collections and support our local communities. We do not divide the world by males and females, rather than by unique personalities. You choose who to be.

Black lives mater

Black lives matter. We stand against any racial injustance and we will not stay silent when it comes to people's lifes.

It’s not enough to “not be racist”, we have to be anti-racist. This means acknowledging white privilege and centring black voices, educating ourselves, and putting in the work.Talk to your friends and family about this. Keep having these discussions, even when the news cycle moves on. Sit with the discomfort – because discomfort breeds change and change is the end goal.

Trybodybrand. All rights reserved
Made in Webflow